Discrete cosine transform DCT and inverse DCT IDCT have been widely used in many image processing systems and real-time computation of nonlinear time series. In this paper, the unified DCT/IDCT algorithm based on the subband decompositions of a signal is proposed. It is derived from the data flow of subband decompositions with factorized coefficient matrices in a recursive manner. The proposed algorithm only requires 4log2n-1 - 1 and 4log2n-1 - 1/3 multiplication time for n-point DCT and IDCT, with a single multiplier and a single processor, respectively. Moreover, the peak signal-to-noise ratio PSNR of the proposed algorithm outperforms the conventional DCT/IDCT. As a result, the subband-based approach to DCT/IDCT is preferable to the conventional approach in terms of computational complexity and system performance. The proposed reconfigurable architecture of linear array DCT/IDCT processor has been implemented by FPGA.